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Online Dating and Apps Rant part 1.

Dating Online???
So I know that either some or most of us have a dating app on our phone right now and use it for whatever reasons that we may have, but there are some annoyances that come with having these apps. Do you really feel like wasting your time with creating a profile for people who may not even really read what you have to say and are more focused on the picture that has been put in front of them? You also have people who have made up false profiles only to have you meet them as a different person then what was previously described and now you have to make a decision on whether you want to not be rude to the liar in front of you, leave quietly, or go off on the S.O.B for wasting your time. Check out part 1!!!Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well - MR3 - Matthew's Rants Raves and Reviews. Part 2 will be posted in a little bit. Check me out on Instagram - MR3BLOG_MATTSAYS & Twitter - @howboutmatthew

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