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First Post!!!!

Hello World!!! *Cough Cough* Sorry there was some dust in the air. I would just like to welcome you to my little world of Mr3-MrCubed-Matthew's Rants Raves and Reviews. This is merely the intro of what I am going to be doing and not the total sha bang of everything. One thing I will tell you is I like to make up my dictionary of random words. Some of these words I may have heard others say from time to time and I got a big giggle out of them, while others I can say I made up out of my own cuckoo cuckoo for coco puffs brain. I also will be putting up my youtube channel in two shakes of pen(don't forget to add the is) lol. So be on the look out for that :-).

Now onto other business, I usually do my rotten tomatoes reviews, on my regular facebook and on my twitter. But will be starting my new reviews on here and then posting them there. I also have a twitter, in case you would like to hit me up there it is www.twitter.com/howboutmatthew feel free to add yourself and give me any shout outs if you feel. I try my best to keep up with twitter. Seeing as how we have way too many social networks anyways, why not keep this endless cycle going on further down the rabbit hole. I will be making up a new facebook for this blog and also working on other sites as well. 

Again thanks for showing some interest into this blog, hoping to make this into something bigger as time goes by. I promise to give you my honest opinion on everything I put out there. I also would like some suggestions on places to travel too and places you might like that I should definitely give a review on. So lets all grab some popcorn, or whatever you do that gets you in the right mood and enjoy the show... AND REMEMBER....IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL. :-)

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