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Real Housewives of ATL Episode Rant and Review!

The girls keep the shade coming and the entertainment does not stop. Last night's episode was a definite lead up to what may come on the next episode. We saw a trip being planned, guns being shot and some attempts at peace being made. Check out my summary and some quick rants.

So on last night's episode, we saw Phaedra and Apollo meet up with Cynthia and Peter for what I guess was a double date(it was slightly awkward). Phaedra brings up a trip to South Africa and wants all the girls to attend. We get to see Kroy take Kim to the gun range and get her first gun(she loved the pink ones). Kim then goes to her old psychic friend to get a reading. Nene is still getting gifts from the over zealous Italian she is working on a posh lounge with and is loving every minute of it. Phaedra and Kandi go to an African dance class and have a good time. Kandi, then brings up the 7 mug shots on Marlo to Phaedra showing the extent of how many times she has been arrested and what for. Sheree was surprised to find out the Nene and Cynthia were invited to South Africa(Sheree is really making me not like her more and more). Kandi's Mom tried to get the girls to get along with each at an awkward dinner table discussion, but alas no peace was made.

Now onto the Rants:
  • The trip to South Africa is going to be a mess....
  • The "date" with P&A and C&P was awkward for me as a viewer
  • Kim at the gun range was fun, but I did not like they brought their baby there with them(to each his own).
  • Nene with her business partner is so funny(she is milking the gifts)
  • Nene and Kim at the dinner table was super shade. Nene did not even face her body towards Kim's direction and Kim tried her best not to even lock eyes with her. They really hate each other.
  • I am more excited to see the next episode then anything.
  • Kandi is slightly starting to be messy more & more.
  • Sheree.......................................well.
Tonight was an OK episode. We all were just waiting for the build up at the table with Kim and Nene(was kind of let down). Next week will be better. I cannot wait to see Marlo arrive in South Africa with Nene. Check out new Real Housewives of ATL on Bravo Sunday Nights.

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