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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills:Episode 17 Review

Housewives of Beverly Hills - Episode 17: Leis and Lies in Lanai - Review

To give a quick summary of what happened prior to this episode. Taylor's husband had sent Camille a email threatening to sue her for slandering him and Taylor's relationship. Camille then sent the email to Adrienne, who informed everyone else of the situation and how it could impact them as well. Once at Kyle's white party, the big fuss was to not let Taylor and her husband in the party to avoid any drama with Camille and themselves. This led hurt feelings for Kyle, who is close with Taylor, and also with the other girls as well. Taylor though, looked the most hurt because pretty much everything that she told the girls has now come into full view in front of her husband and she now has to deal with the serious matter at hand. The girls are now going to Hawaii, but find it necessary that Taylor not come. Kim, on the other hand is running late and being unresponsive, which causes Kyle to get frustrated at her sister. We also see that Brandi is not as innocent as she appears to be(xanax anyone).
Physical abuse, whether it bullying or marital issues, is a very serious subject matter. This show does handle it well to a certain extent. They do show issues of denial between those who are inflicting the hurt and those who are the inflicted. We all know that Taylor's husband committed suicide sometime either after or during the running of the show, which takes this matter a step further. I hope Taylor is living well now and taking each day one step at a time. With all that being said, lets get on too the 5 points of this episode that stuck out the most for me.

1. I love how the husbands and the wives are all very cool with each other and there is no jealousy between the women. However, if you noticed in this episode Brandi was over stepping her boundaries quite a lot through out this episode and was seriously flirting with Lisa's husband. This video doesn't show how hard she was on him, but you get little hints from the things she says about him to Lisa.

2. Kim - So Kim is definitely going through something. Her boyfriend(well ex-boyfriend now) looks kind of scary; not in a intimidating way, but more of a villain in a b-movie. Now her missing the flight was definitely a problem for Kyle, seeing as that's her sister, she is generally concerned for her well being. I just could not stand Brandi's slight facial expressions when ever they talked about Kim. Then how she would comment on how her boyfriend looked like to everyone.(Stink Face Anyone)

3. Brandi - Oh Yes!!! I was definitely not done with you. It seems you might have a drug problem as well. Xanax my ass!!! You then needed to talk about how you used to take roofies before getting on a plane and how fun that was for you. Sounds to me like you have a drug problem...DING DING DING...was the Price Right on that one Drew. I don't care for her passive aggressive side remarks and insults. I liked her for the first couple of episodes on the show, but then she started coming out with this extra stuff....so I can't write her off just yet....but I'm getting close to giving her the pink slip.

4. I just love Camille......(THAT'S ALL). No she is a whole different person for me this season and her likability factor went up 10 notches for me. She is handling the divorce the best she can and she looks good doing it.

5. Lisa.....I heart you. She has to be my favorite person on the show(Kyle,Camille and Adrienne too). My favorite part was how she kept getting Brandi together, when she saw Brandi flirting with her husband and then got into how she was dressed for the pool and the beach(In a pretty much a see through bikini). Lisa was not acting out of jealousy. I could see it was more of her feeling disrespected and how Brandi was clearly under the influence of drugs and alcohol, so that could have led to her putting her hands in places  they did not need to be. I couldn't see Lisa fighting with fists. I could see her however, reading the tar pits out her, which would make for good TV.

This episode had some good moments for me. I am ready for the next episode when Kim and her boyfriend make it in and see how that plays out for the rest of the group. Well, we will have to wait until Monday for that one. Until then, stay tuned for more rants, raves and reviews. -MR3

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