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Housewives of Beverly Hills Episode Rant and Review

Housewives of Beverly Hills has become a favorite of mine. Last night's episode we got to see the opening of SUR, Kim showed true signs of her addiction and Taylor having to confront the girls about what was happening in her marriage. Some surprises happened here and there, but the drama was all around. Take a look at my review and rants from last night.

Everyone was getting ready for the opening of Lisa's restaurant SUR.  Lisa is nervous for her opening and trying to make sure everything is splendid for her friends and company. Kim is getting ready for the opening and is clearly out of wack with her speaking and physical nature. She pulls out a vibrator and has some fun with it, but it seemed like she was coming off her "medication". I did notice that she lied to her make up artist over exactly what went down in Hawaii.

Everyone arrives on by one to the event and everyone is having a good time. Brandi notices that one of the cocktail girls is actually her ex husbands girlfriend that was sleeping with he ex husband when they were still together. To make sure there was no drama, Lisa asked the girl to go home, so to not make a big deal of the matter. Taylor decides to show up, but comes with her therapist as back up support for this night. He came, so she could handle the emotions and criticism that would come her way from the recent divorce and the accusations of calling the girls(Camille) a liar from the beatings. Kim arrives at the party and is clearly on meds(pills/drugs) and wants to avoid Kyle, but they can't so they end up having a deep talk on the patio with each other. Cedric(from last season) shows up, after saying all the nasty things about Lisa's family and Lisa asked him to leave. Kim reveals she wants to leave her boyfriend and is 3 months late on her period. Kyle is devastated and worried for her sister. Kim then locks herself in the bathroom and causes a stir up from the guests at the party. Adrienne confronts Taylor over the accusations she had against Camille and what they had to go through with her flip flopping over the abusive relationship she had with her husband.

Last night was one hell of a roller coaster of emotions. Here are some of my rants from last night:
  • Did anyone else notice RuPaul walk in behind Adrienne's chef last night.(THAT WAS HIM)
  • I could see Adrienne's clip in extensions in the back of her head(LOL).
  • Kim was late to the party, because she was looking for her pills and did not want to take them(or what ever drug) in front of the camera.
  • Cedric arrives and everyone was in complete shock..he had a lot of nerve doing that and I found it rude and disrespectful.
  • Kyle handled Kim walking in very well, but the love she has for her sister is powerful and it makes Kyle and how she feels towards her family and friends very beautiful.
  • Did Kim find a bag of weed or crack in the limo in that little plastic baggie.(hmmmmm)
  • Adrienne got Taylor right on together towards the feelings she had about what happened over the past couple of weeks.
  • Brandi clearly invited Cedric to the party....please and thank you.
  • I am just ready for the wedding on the next episode.
Last night was a full spectacle of emotions and revelations. Next episode will be the wedding and I am excited to see the lavish arrangements. Don't miss Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo Monday Nights.

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